Merry Christmas to all our friends and family back home. This tree has got to be the largest tree I have ever seen. It is in the main Piata down town in Centru.
These pictures were taken before the snow came. We have snow now and it is very icy to walk around town.
I thought this was cute. This little girl is feeding the pigeons right from her hand.
We sure have alot of pigeons!!
We traveled to Sibiu where we had an activity on love and charity and then a small Christmas program from the sciptures with carols. It was really fun.
Then we travelled to Bucharest for the zone Christmas Party. It was wonderful
Driving home looked like a picture from a magazine.
It was very beautiful.
We hope you feel the love of our Savior at this time. As missionaries we rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ everyday and I love the scipture in Matthew 1:21 which states "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins." What a wonderful blessing. We pray you will all enjoy this speicial time of year with your loved ones and rejoice in the birth Jesus Christ our Savior.