Thursday 17 November 2011

Lots of Activities

We had a great branch activity this week.  We learned how to make the traditional Romanian food called Sarmale.  It is similiar to cabbage rolls but wrapped in sour cabbage leaves or grape vine leaves.  The ladies in the branch made it to teach me and the BYU girls we have here for 4 months.

The meat filling was also put into green peppers

Every semester BYU sends 5-12 students to work in the orphanage and hospital.  This is a great boost to the branch in their musical talents and teaching abilities. 
This cute lady taught me how to preserve red peppers in jars for the winter.  They are delicious.!!She doesn't speak a word of English luckily her son does and he helped out.
Our district went bowling on P-day we had great fun.
Check out the sock covers

We had a great day this week teaching.  We actually taught 4 people with the Elders and Sisters.  It was awesome.  I hope they will read and pray. 
Lastly I will show you the Piatza where we buy fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter.  In the summer it is all outside,


  1. Very Fun! That food looks very yummy :)

  2. Love Everything you write!! Aren't missions AMAZING, and GRUELING and EXCTING and HEARTBREAKING and WONDERFUL?????? We love you and love to hear all your experiences.

  3. Oh my. All the food sounds so yummy and good.
