Monday 9 January 2012

la Multi An or Happy New Year

This is a picture of our branch on New Years Day.  They love to take pictures of everything.  I spoke in church New Years on moving forward and not looking back in our lives. 2 Nephi 31 :20.   Of course things were slow during Christmas and New Year but hopefully now we will be back in the swing of things.
Here's a fun pictures of my handsome companion.  Our weather has been mild and we have no snow but a few mornings are very chilly and a cachula is required.

We had a real adventure this week trying to find the post office.  Apparently there are 13 postal stations in Iasi so we went to the one closest to us.  They said "oh no you can't mail a package to Canada from this station" so they gave us the address of the one we needed to find.  When we got there they said the same thing "oh no....."  apparently we were not at number 13.  So she wrote down the address again and said see Duane.  Too bad there are no street signs with names of roads in Iasi.  After 3 hours of looking and wanting to give up we actually found it.  Miracle of miracles!!  so our youngest grandchild Lyla may be getting the one and only package we send home from Romania, if it actually arrives.  Happy Birthday Lyla.

This Sunday we went to church in Bacau.  We got up at 5:30 got ready and hopped on the tram-vi to take us to the Maxi-Taxi.  Left at 6:50 for the two hour trip to Bacau.  This is a picture of the beautiful building where they meet for church.
When we arrived at 9am we bought our ticket to go home and walked to the church. 

Church was wonderful, and there were 11 members and 3 invesitagors and 6 missionaries.  The place was packed.  The testimonies were very special and we taught a lesson in Sunday school on "How to teach a Lesson" It went well and our Eng/Rom mix was ok.

After church a new convert was given the Aaronic Priesthood which was very special and we got ready to head home.
The Maxi-Taxi filled up fast and once again 2 ladies had to sit on stools in the middle of the isle.  It was when the driver picked up one more person and she had to sit on the floor for about an hour that I felt so bad for her.

It was dark by the time we got home but it was a great day.  We look forward to going each month.

We send our best wishes for the new year and our love to you all.


  1. No street signs! Brutal! Lyla and I are so very grateful for the long efforts you made to find and send her a present :) We will let you know as soon as we get it. Lov'n the hat dad :) I am glad you had such a wonderful time visiting that branch and I'm sure dad's talk was fantastic. Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Heningers,
    I am in Quebec right now, lots of snow here too!
    I was just wondering, that scripture verse up there ^
    Is 2 Nephi _:20.

    I might have to go look through every chapter of 2 Nephi haha. I feel like that will be a helpful scripture to me right now! :)
