Friday 30 September 2011

A Great Week Exploring Iasi

Here are a couple of pictures of Dan standing in front of our church.  It is 4 stories high, main floor is chapel, next floor up is branch Pres. office and library and class room.  Next floor is RS room and small classroom and kitchen.  Top floor is apt. where the missionaries live.  See that little gold sign on balcony-it says Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints.

Our branch is great and we are so happy to be able to meet these wonderful members.  Many of the members are the only member of their family so there are lots of singles.  We only have two children who don't attend regularly so we don't have Primary.  There is no YW/YM .  Our attendance at Sacrament meeting is about 30 people.  The missionaries work so hard and usually have several investigators each week.  RS is great and is taught in Romanian and translated in English by the

Here are some pictures of our apartment.  We love it and it is roomy with his and hers bathrooms.  I have a washing machine which works great but no dryer.  All wash is dried on a clothes line.

It is so fun to walk the streets of Iasi and buy fresh hot pretzels every day.  I wish I could speak the language to talk to the people, but thats for the missionaries.  We teach English two days a week and Family home evening and Institute.  We are also getting to know the members and visiting them as well.  They treat us so well.  We love teaching the gospel and look for every opportunity.


  1. Fun Apartment! All the red is great! I must say I have never seen a church look like an apartment building before. How very interesting :) We are praying and fasting for you!

  2. Hey guys, Bob and Natasha here! It is wonderful to see how you are doing, although we're sure you could have gone without the incident on the glass door! We are noticing that in all the pictures of Dan he is smiling...up until he got his haircut! :-) Probably the BEST haircut he ever had, and what a wonderful example he is to the missionaries! Good job! We love you guys!

  3. Fabulous apartment! Love the photos of the meeting house!
