Thursday 22 September 2011

Our First week in Iasi (Yash)

Here are some pictures of the Roman Catholic Church here in Isai.  This is the compound of the Convent, Catherdral,& Biserica.  We walk past these everyday going to the church.  By the way I've never walked so much in all my life.

This palace was built was built by Stefan cel Mare in the 1400's, he was the king. Notice the street and sidewalk. Walking is difficult at times on the poor conrete.  The weather is beautiful and the sun shines everyday. I love it.

Here is another plaza we walk by on our way each day, we can get dry cleaning done or eat a delicious pastry that is to die for.  Just to be sure we are trying all of them. 
And This is my new apartment building!! I hope to move in very soon.  We got all the approvals today from the office so maybe in two more days we can move out of the hotel.  I.m very excited.  Iasi is a college town with 6 universities so we are excited to hopefully get Institute and activites going.  The language is a problem.......We have maybe 3 girls in the branch that would attend and 5 BYU girls who live here for 4 months working in the orphanages.

We are happy to be here and pray daily to learn the language and to help the people.


  1. It looks exotic and sooo full of history!!! good luck with the apartment!

  2. Jenny, told me to come and follow your blog, so I am. It all looks so interesting and different. Can't wait to see more pictures. We are all praying for you!


  3. Wow, that castle looks amazing. You get the scenic tour everyday on your walk to the church. I love it :) That's awesome that you get your apartment tomorrow!

  4. Love the photos. Love that you are so immersed in everything. Can't wait to hear about the branch and the church and the people! Still praying for you!
