Wednesday 13 June 2012

Romanian Field Report

I enjoy the beautiful architecture of the buildings.  The designs are nothing like I have seen before.  This building is in Sibiu

We had a Young Women's activity and tied a baby quilt for a lady in our branch.  It was really fun and the first time the girls had done that.  I'm am serving as a councilor in YW now and really enjoying that.
We have been doing alot of travelling and meeting with different branches.  We are so happy about the progress we have seen in our old city of Iasi.  We still stay in touch with them and visit when they need
branch business done from the Mission Presidency. It's so exciting to see changes come with time.

This was the home of a very famous Romanian, George Enescu.  He was well know for composing music and is considered to be one the most beautiful buildings in Bucharest. 

We attended zone conference this last week.  It was our first one and we really enjoyed it.  The Elders and Sisters who serve here are amazing missionaries.  We are working hard to accomplish our goal of having 4 articles published in the paper.  We have had 2 already which is wonderful-it is thrilling to see pictures and stories of our missionaries in the local paper.

Here's a couple of our super star missionaries !

The driving is going good.  Beware of cement blocks in random places.  Except for one very poor dirt road our GPS has not failed us.

This detour took awhile to correct.

The weather is getting very warm but the humidity is out of control.  The hot muggy feeling is a challenge but we are happy we don't live in the extreme heat of Bucharest.  I'm still reading my Book of Mormon in Romanian I'm in Jacob chapter 6.
Thats the field report for today.  The Church is True and God is ever mindful of us.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for keeping up with the language. I am so impressed. Congrats on your new assignments and callings. I love that you were able to show the young women there a simple and easy skill they could take with them into their own families. So fun!

    P.S. Our son will be home on Friday! We can't wait. And our second is waiting to get his call. I am hoping that it comes when all the family is here. SO exciting! Who knows.....he may end up where you are. ; )
